Friday, September 16, 2011

Proof Of Mind Power – Learn How!

The mind itself is like a magnet, and what you think and see you will eventually attract. This is based upon what is called the ‘Law of Attraction,’ and your mind is an amazingly powerful instrument. When you believe something very strongly, it’s eventually going to happen.

This is real mind power! If you can think and feel and believe that you will have a great life, then you will. First you must imagine it and that takes practice. But with persistence in anything you do, you can achieve success. The mind is a remarkable thing.

The Law of Attraction works even if you don’t believe in it. Whether you choose to use your mind power positively or not is up to you; we only use 10% of our brain’s capacity for conscious thought, the rest is a well of untapped unconscious potential, and you’re using it now whether you admit to it or not.

That is why we all feel that we are having so much trouble in life. We think negatively because we do not believe that what we want can happen. So we basically continue to attract nothing more than negativity. The truth of it is that the things that we think are really happening right before our eyes.

First, understand that ‘reality’ is within your mind. Whatever you’ve got to this point has been because of your subconscious mind power. A lot of people think that everyone has extra sensory or psychic powers. But you have to make an effort for these powers to come out. Your mind power is real; just choose to use it.

Basically, if you want something in your life then all you need to do to get it is think it. If you expect nothing but bad things then that is what you will get.

We don’t want you to continue down this path and since you’re reading this, you probably don’t want to either. The best way to change your normal daily process is by visualizing everything in a positive manner. If you want a new car then you need to picture yourself driving to work and watching everyone complement you on your new ride. Then again, if you visualize the loan not going through then it won’t.

Visualizing simply means that you sit down and think of images and pictures inside your head, of things that you want. These images can eventually be brought to life in reality, but first you have to start with yourself and ultimately, your subconscious mind.

However, the drawback to this is that you have to think positive in order to have positive things come to you. Therefore, it’s best to ‘practice’ the way that you want to think and live before you actually try to do this.

It may be helpful to write down your ideas like a story of what your ideal life. What are your goals? What are your dreams and visions? Be as specific as possible and write everything down so that you will remember what you have discovered. Repeat this process a couple of times each day until it begins to feel real and you begin to truly believe in your dreams.

You can also do this with affirmations. Affirmations are simply little statements of encouragement you give yourself throughout the day. It can be about anything. For example, if you want to lose a few pounds, you can say, ‘I’m going to successfully and easily lose 10 pounds by the end of the month.’ Keep reminding yourself that you are losing this weight effortlessly and easily, and recent, you’ll see the weight simply start to drop off.

As you state what you expect to be true, it will eventually become true. It may feel a bit uncomfortable at first but if you do anything consistently for 28 days it becomes a habit.

Your mind power can also be improved by simple training. This is brainwave synchronization through listening to specific tones through a set of earphones.

Some of the other things that the brain can do include enhancing memory and enhancing natural psychic powers. The differing frequencies can do a lot of things concerning mind power. This advanced procedure works wonders.

Hypnosis can also help to increase your mind power by helping you relax and get into your subconscious mind directly. For example, hypnosis has been used successfully to help others quit smoking. These people simply go into a session with a trained hypnotist, relax, and listen to the trained hypnotist tell them again and again that smoking tastes very bad, that they don’t have the desire, that they’re repulsed by it, and that they’re ready to quit. And although this may take several sessions (just as any habit-training will), it does work.

Eventually they get the person to believe in themselves and convince them they can kick the habit. The mind is simply a wonderful thing if you know how to open it up.

In the end it comes down to the fact that everyone has this kind of potential. The mind is often the overlooked part of our society. Even though this is unfortunate, it’s also important that you’ve made it to this point. The truth is we can’t help anyone who continues to believe they can’t be helped. However, since you’re taking the initiative to get started, it’s time to start your first test.

Remember everything starts with the subconscious mind. The only thing holding you back is your conscious mind!

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

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