Friday, August 19, 2011

Subconscious Mind Power - The magnetic and Attracting Power

The Subconscious mind power draws certain events, circumstances and people into our lives and repels others. In this respect it resembles a magnet. Just look at the people around you. Some pass through certain events and circumstances, while other passes through different experiences. Some accomplish certain things easily, and others accomplish them with great difficulty or not at all.

Your mind is composed of the thoughts you think. These thoughts ate like magnetic currents. If you think positively about some event or action, it turns out to be as you thought about it. If you harbor negative thoughts this negativity is drawn into your life

You attract into your life what you think about frequently. It does not mean that every thought gets materialized. Most of the thoughts ate weak and are not repeated long enough to gain sufficient strength. Weak thoughts, like a weak magnet, hardly have any attractive power

You have seen how a magnet draws mental objects. A strong and big magnet draws bigger objects than a small and week one. Magnets have another peculiar characteristic. One of the magnet draws, and the other side repels.

The power if attraction is a neutral power. The magnet draws to itself everything made of iron, no matter whether it is a useful object or junk. The mind acts in the same way. It attracts into your life positive and negative situation and events, according to the thoughts that you think.

Like the magnet the mind not only attracts but also repels. If you do not believe you can get or accomplish something, then you repel it. Thoughts of incompetence, weakness, fear and inferiority create a repellent force. It is as if you are creating a wind that blows away and prevents certain things to reach you

There are several ways to charge your mind and thoughts with magnetic power. Strong desire, concentration and faith are some of the important ingredients for infusing power into thoughts.

Remember what you think about intently, with attention and feeling is attracted to you. It can be material and it can be spiritual. The power of attraction is a universal power and manifests every where and in every thing. It is the power that holds the universe together. Without it there would not be any world

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

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