Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Using positive affirmations to achieve success

Everyone talks about the power of positive thinking, but many people do not realize just how important a positive attitude is to professional success. We all recognize the importance of positive affirmations to personal growth and healthy relationships, but many people do not understand that the power of those positive affirmations extends far beyond one’s personal life into his or her professional life as well.

Whether you are in business for yourself or working for someone else, having a positive attitude can be a real boon to your long-term success. If you are one of those people moving through life always concerned that the worse will happen, chances are you will be right, and bad things will continue to happen to you. Until you turn your attitude around, using a combination of positive affirmations and other psychological and personal coaching techniques, you will be held back from the success that you deserve.

You have probably noticed a common element in those who are most successful, in business and in life. These achievers and successful people tend to be enthusiastic and eager, in all aspects of their lives. This enthusiasm is infectious, and it tends to rub off on all those people with whom the successful person has contact. A positive attitude, and the ability to turn that attitude into results is essential to motivating employees to do better, getting the best from suppliers, and working with peers, both in business and personally.

As you can see, a positive attitude is a valuable asset, no matter what your place in the working world. This means that you should get into the habit of doing regular positive affirmations. Making positive affirmations a habit is a great way to change your world view and help yourself be more successful.

It is never too early to start this cycle of positive affirmations, and even those in entry level jobs can benefit from a positive attitude. Even if your job seems insignificant and meaningless, it is important to display a positive attitude, and not let negativity creep in to steal your enthusiasm. Remember that some of the most successful CEO’s and business owners started at the bottom and worked their way up. It real is possible to work your way up from the mailroom to the corner office, but without positive affirmations and a winning attitude, this move will not be possible.

Regular positive affirmations are even more important for those people running their own businesses. Running a business is never easy, but it is important to remember that those around you, from employees to suppliers to competitors, pick up on your attitude, and use at as a cue. If you are constantly complaining about the business and its lack of growth, your employees will be less than inspired. If, on the other hand, you are constantly providing positive affirmations to your employees, even in the toughest of times, they will see your enthusiasm, learn from it, and use it as a cue to work harder and help the business grow and prosper. It really does all boil down to attitude; a positive attitude and positive affirmations can help your business in ways too numerous to mention.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

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