Monday, October 31, 2011

The Power of Imagination

Imagination is the ability to form a mental image of something that is not perceived through the senses. It is the ability of the mind to build mental scenes, objects or events that do not exist, are not present or have happened in the past. Memory is actually a manifestation of imagination. Everyone possesses some imagination ability. In some it may be highly developed and in others it may manifest in a weaker form. It manifests in various degrees in various people.

Imagination makes it possible to experience a whole world inside the mind. It gives the ability to look at any situation from a different point of view, and enables one to mentally explore the past and the future.

It manifests in various forms, one of which is daydreaming. Though too much idle daydreaming may make one impractical, some daydreaming, when not being engaged in something that requires attention provides some temporary happiness, calmness and relief from stress.

In your imagination you can travel anywhere in the speed of light without any obstacles. It can make you feel free, though temporarily, and only in the mind, from tasks, difficulties and unpleasant circumstances.

Imagination is not limited only to seeing pictures in the mind. It includes all the five senses and the feelings. One can imagine a sound, taste, smell, a physical sensation or a feeling or emotion. For some people it is easier to see mental pictures, others find it easier to imagine a feeling, and some are more comfortable imagining the sensation of one of the five senses. Training of the imagination gives the ability to combine all the senses.

A developed and strong imagination does not make you a daydreamer and impractical. On the contrary, it strengthens your creative abilities, and is a great tool for recreating and remodeling your world and life.

This is a great power that can change your whole life. It is used extensively in magick, creative visualization and affirmations. It is the creator of circumstances and events. When you know how to work with it, you can make your hearts' desires come true.

Imagination has a great role and value in each one's life. It is much more than just idle daydreaming. We all use it, whether consciously or unconsciously, in most of our daily affairs. We use our imagination whenever we plan a party, a trip, our work or a meeting. We use it when we describe an event, explain how to arrive to a certain street, write, tell a story or cook a cake.

Imagination is a creative power that is necessary for inventing an instrument, designing a dress or a building, painting a picture or writing a book. The creative power of imagination has an important role in the achievement of success in any field. What we imagine with faith and feelings comes into being. It is the power beyond creative visualization, positive thinking and affirmations.

Visualizing an object or a situation, and repeating often this mental image, attracts the object or situation into our lives. This opens for us new, vast and fascinating opportunities.

This means that we should think only in a positive manner about our desires, otherwise we may create and attract into our lives events, situations and people that we don't really want. This is actually what most of us do, because we don't use the power of imagination correctly.

If you do not recognize the importance of the power of the imagination, and let it run riot, your life may not be as happy and successful as you would have wanted it to be.

Lack of understanding of the power of the imagination is responsible for the suffering, incompetence, difficulties, failures and unhappiness people experience. For some reason, most people are inclined to think in a negative way. They do not expect success. They expect the worst, and when they fail, they believe that fate is against them. This attitude can be changed, and then life will improve accordingly.

Understanding how to use your imagination correctly, and putting this knowledge into practice, for your own and others' benefit, will put you on the golden path to success, satisfaction and happiness.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Using positive affirmations to achieve success

Everyone talks about the power of positive thinking, but many people do not realize just how important a positive attitude is to professional success. We all recognize the importance of positive affirmations to personal growth and healthy relationships, but many people do not understand that the power of those positive affirmations extends far beyond one’s personal life into his or her professional life as well.

Whether you are in business for yourself or working for someone else, having a positive attitude can be a real boon to your long-term success. If you are one of those people moving through life always concerned that the worse will happen, chances are you will be right, and bad things will continue to happen to you. Until you turn your attitude around, using a combination of positive affirmations and other psychological and personal coaching techniques, you will be held back from the success that you deserve.

You have probably noticed a common element in those who are most successful, in business and in life. These achievers and successful people tend to be enthusiastic and eager, in all aspects of their lives. This enthusiasm is infectious, and it tends to rub off on all those people with whom the successful person has contact. A positive attitude, and the ability to turn that attitude into results is essential to motivating employees to do better, getting the best from suppliers, and working with peers, both in business and personally.

As you can see, a positive attitude is a valuable asset, no matter what your place in the working world. This means that you should get into the habit of doing regular positive affirmations. Making positive affirmations a habit is a great way to change your world view and help yourself be more successful.

It is never too early to start this cycle of positive affirmations, and even those in entry level jobs can benefit from a positive attitude. Even if your job seems insignificant and meaningless, it is important to display a positive attitude, and not let negativity creep in to steal your enthusiasm. Remember that some of the most successful CEO’s and business owners started at the bottom and worked their way up. It real is possible to work your way up from the mailroom to the corner office, but without positive affirmations and a winning attitude, this move will not be possible.

Regular positive affirmations are even more important for those people running their own businesses. Running a business is never easy, but it is important to remember that those around you, from employees to suppliers to competitors, pick up on your attitude, and use at as a cue. If you are constantly complaining about the business and its lack of growth, your employees will be less than inspired. If, on the other hand, you are constantly providing positive affirmations to your employees, even in the toughest of times, they will see your enthusiasm, learn from it, and use it as a cue to work harder and help the business grow and prosper. It really does all boil down to attitude; a positive attitude and positive affirmations can help your business in ways too numerous to mention.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley
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Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Power of The Spirit

The spirit accesses the divine – whether you believe in God, a higher form of collective consciousness, or simply a universal awareness, you can access it through your spirit.

Many people have experienced angelic healing and the healing touch of ancestors and kind spirits – of course, these people have deeply held beliefs that this type of healing works – which is just one more reason believing can help us get outside ourselves and access a deeper reality.

Using the Mind and Spirit For Optimal Healthpower of subconscious mind

Many world class athletes and musicians, as well as actors and other professionals, who have a tough job to do, perform their routines inside their minds. They go through each and every step of their performances and they envision themselves executing each minuscule motion perfectly.

You can do the same thing! If you need to lose a few pounds, for example, you can practice your daily routine in your mind before you set out to face the day and the temptations that surely lie ahead.

Focus your awareness on your body. Picture your body as perfect, and be grateful for your health.

Focus your awareness on your mind and your willpower. Imagine yourself making the healthiest choices, and imagine yourself feeling excited about your daily walk or your daily trip to the gym. Feel good as you do this. Feel the sense of accomplishment that comes each time you make a healthy food choice, and feel the endorphins enter your bloodstream as you finish your workout.

Focus your awareness on the cells in your body. See fat cells shrinking, and muscle cells growing. Picture the way your body looks when it is healthy, and feel the way your heart beats powerfully as you work toward optimal health.

Focus your awareness on your next doctor’s visit. Picture the scale, and read the perfect weight to yourself as you do this. See your doctor congratulating you for your achievement, and imagine celebrating your weight loss in a healthy way.

You can use a process like this to address any problem you have in your body. You can make yourself a better athlete, or work toward healing chronic pain. You can prevent illness, and you can work toward optimal health.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Restless Mind - The Constantly Thinking Mind

The natural tendency of the mind is to be restless. Thinking seems to be a continuous and ongoing activity. The restless mind lets thoughts come and go incessantly from morning till night. They give us no rest for a moment. Most of these thoughts are not exactly invited; they just come, occupy our attention for a while, and then disappear.

Our true essence can be likened to the sky, and our thoughts are the clouds. The clouds drift through the sky, hide it for a while and then disappear. They are not permanent. So are thoughts. Because of their incessant movement they hide our essence, our core, and then move away to make room for other thoughts.

Thoughts resemble the waves of the ocean, always in a state of motion, never standing still. These thoughts arise in our mind due to many reasons. There is a tendency on the part of the mind to analyze whatever it contacts. It likes to compare, to reason, and to ask questions. It constantly indulges in these activities.

Everyone's mind has a kind of a filter, which allows it to accept, let in certain thoughts, and reject others. This is the reason why some people occupy their minds with thoughts about a certain subject, while others don't even think about the same subject.

Why some people are attracted to football and others don't? Why some love and admire a certain singer and others don't? Why some people think incessantly about a certain subject, and others never think about it? It is all due to this inner filter.

This is an automatic unconscious filter. We never stop and say to certain thoughts 'come' and to others we say 'go away'. It is an automatic activity. This filter was built during the years. It was and is built constantly by the suggestions and words of people we meet, and as a consequence of our daily experiences.

Every event, happening or word has an affect on the mind, which produces thoughts accordingly. The mind is like a thought factory, working in shifts day and night, producing thoughts.

The mind also gets thoughts directly from the surrounding world. The space around us is full of thoughts, which we constantly pick, let pass through our minds, and then pick up new ones. It is like catching fish in the ocean, throwing them back into the water and then catching a new ones.

This activity of the restless mind occupies our attention all the time. Now our attention is on this thought and then on another one. We pay a lot of energy and attention to these passing thoughts. Most of them are not important. They just waste our time and energy.

This is enslavement. It is as if some outside power is always putting a thought in front of us to pay attention to. It is like a relentless boss constantly giving us a job to do. There is no real freedom. We enjoy freedom only when we are able to still the mind and choose our thoughts. There is freedom, when we are able to decide which thought to think and which one to reject. We live in freedom, when we are able to stop the incessant flow of thoughts.

Stopping the flow of thoughts may look infeasible, but constant training and exercising with concentration exercises and meditation, eventually lead to this condition. The mind is like an untamed animal. It can be taught self-discipline and obedience to a higher power. Concentration and meditation show us in a clear and practical manner that we, the inner true essence, are this controlling power. We are the bosses of our minds.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Subconscious Mind

String placement to effectuate something consequence your get-up-and-go, you longing to focal point and divert your subconscious mind towards achieving your use. Mortals who weakness something always encourage to realize about what they are disappeared and not thinking towards how they subjection reach original. Nation may obtain the flair of achieving something but guidance is principal.

We further obligation guidance system to buttress us program our subconscious minds. When we are able to program our subconscious, things seem straightforward to authority office achieved. Certain does not seem comparable goals are oppressive to do. Thoughts form being and the subconscious is the backdoor to indefinite intelligence.

Programming the subconscious positively onus cooperation us stretch our goals, solve our problems, boost our self confidence and manufacture better decisions. One way in which the subconscious mind can be programmed is visualization and it can be achieved with images, symbols, sounds and pictures.

The subconscious is always awake and is always working. The subconscious can store huge amounts of information regardless of whether the information is good or bad. The subconscious stores all the information from what it sees and hears and even the things that the conscious mind is not concerned about. It is believed that if we program our subconscious minds, we can achieve anything that we want.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Monday, October 17, 2011

Self Improvement and Self Growth

Nowadays, the terms self improvement, self growth and self help have become popular. We find many books Justify Fullabout these subjects and many websites too. It seems that people are turning inside to find the solution to their problems. They seek knowledge, techniques, workshops, lectures and teachers who can show them the way. People begin to understand that self improvement and self growth improve the quality of life.

The subconscious mind is one of the major keys to self improvement and self growth. By changing the contents of the subconscious mind you change your habits, behavior and attitudes. This is brought about through visualization, affirmations, meditation and by analyzing behavior and habits.

The process of inner change requires inner work. It is not enough to read articles and books. You also have to practice what you read, and this requires time and effort. There is no such thing as instant self improvement. Inner changes take some time, and there must be motivation, desire, ambition, perseverance and dedication. Outer and inner resistance and opposition must be taken into account too. When you start a self improvement program, it is common to encounter inner resistance that comes from your old habits and from your subconscious mind, and also resistance and opposition from the people around you.

The desire to change, build new habits and improve must be strong enough to resist any laziness, desire to give up and the ridicule or opposition from family, friends or colleagues.

Let me tell you something about myself. I have been drawn to self improvement techniques from an early age, and have regarded them as a source for inner strength, happiness and a way to a better life. One of the most useful techniques that I have discovered was a simple, but very effective technique. It consisted of watching how people behaved and acted in various situations, and then looking inside myself, to find out if I behaved in the same way under the same conditions.

When I saw people with certain traits of character, or a certain kind of behavior that I did not like, I examined myself to see whether I possessed them too. If I did, I visualized and rehearsed in my mind a different sort of behavior. In my mind's eye, I saw myself with the opposite traits of character. I visualized myself in various situations, in which I manifested the new behavior.

When I encountered traits of character or behavior, which I liked, I used to think about their advantages and benefits, and about their importance in my life. Here too, I used visualization and affirmations, and endeavored to enact them in my daily life.

In this way, I have learned and benefited a lot from the behavior and actions of the people around me, at work, at home, in the street and everywhere else, from people in real life, and from watching people on the screen. It was never for the purpose of judging them or taking advantage of them, but for learning how to act, react and behave in a better way. This process had another benefit. It increased the knowledge about how the mind and thoughts influence the behavior and actions of people.

Instructions for self improvement and growth technique

1. Look around you and watch how people behave in various circumstances. Watch the people you meet at home, work, at the supermarket, on the bus, train and on the street. Watch and learn also from people interviewed on TV, and also from movies.

2. Watch how people talk, walk and react, and how they are consequently, treated by others.

3. Pay attention to the way people use their voice and how they react to others' voices. Watch how you feel and act when people shout or speak softly. Watch what happens when people get angry, restless and upset and what happens if they are calm and relaxed.

4. If you do not like what you see, analyze what and why you do not like it, and then analyze your own behavior to find out whether you behave in the same way. Be honest and impartial in your analysis.

5. If you discover that you manifest some of these undesirable traits of character and behavior, affirm to yourself often, that every time you manifest these traits or behavior, you are going to be conscious and aware of them, and do your best to avoid them.

6. Play in your mind a mental scene of how you would like to behave. Repeat it several times a day, every day.

7. When you detect in someone a sort of behavior or character traits you like and desire to possess, try to act in a similar way. Here too, visualize several times each day a scene, where you act and behave in that different way.

8. You can also decide to change some habit and behavior patterns and develop new ones, because you believe they are necessary and beneficial, even without seeing them in others first.

9. Think and visualize over and again in your mind how you would like to act and behave. Constantly remind yourself of the changes you desire to make, and strive to act according to them. Every time that you find yourself acting according to your old habit, remember your decision to change and improve, and act accordingly.

10. Do not be disappointed or frustrated if you do not attain fast results. It does not matter how many times you fail or forget to behave as you desired. Persevere with your efforts and never give up, and you will begin to see how you and your life change.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

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Saturday, October 1, 2011

The greatest motivation - success

What better way to motivate ourselves to move towards our goals than to have the object of our fascination as a source of motivation? If we want to live in a bigger house, let that house be our motivation. If we want to have a better job, let that new job with a big paycheck be our motivation. And if we want to have an international business, why not let that international business give us the nudge we need to trudge forward.

We understand that the biggest obstacle and challenge to being successful is the lack of motivation. Sometimes, when we’re halfway through a journey, we find ourselves slacking. It’s like writing a novel. Novel writers will happily tell you about how easy it is to start a project and how difficult it is to see it through to the end. Achieving success is a lot like that. You have a million and one starts, and practically not a single ending. Or even if we have lots of endings, most of them are premature and way off mark.

Never lose sight of success
The fastest way to success is to keep your eye on that success all the time. Consistently. Never peel your eyes away from the fact that one day, you’re going to get what you want in life. It’s not hope. It’s not a wish. It’s not even a goal! It has to be a fact. When you think success is not an option but a fact, the faster you will get it.

Take, for example, Olympic swimmers. If Olympic swimmers want to get their gold medals, they are trained to go through a series of mind-boggling workout sessions every single day and are consistently psyched up about WHEN they are going to achieve their goals. Not IF but WHEN. Only when they start viewing the gold medal as a necessity, envisioning the gold medals hanging from their clothes hook on their wall will they feel adequately motivated to move unwaveringly towards that goal.

Surrounding yourself with success minded people
We’ve personally heard of people who are so geared for success that they are literally living in a world of success, enjoying the things that they would enjoy when they are successful. This plays up the part of it being the biggest motivation, and when it is all around you, you cannot ignore it.

By surrounding themselves with successful people or success-minded people the rewards are limitless. Not only are their friends able to share their positive views on how to better reach their goals, they are in the position to motivate each other and share tips and tricks! Regardless of what an optimistic person you are, you are still susceptible to feeling negative, sad, disappointed and impatient about achieving your goals. Positive and success minded people can offer a sympathetic and understand shoulder to cry on and then help nudge you on your way.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley