Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Power Of Subconscious Mind Articles

Though you might not recognize it for such, you brain is the most powerful organ you have under your own control, and you can do some amazing things with your subconscious. Everything that you do, say and create is a creation of your mind and you might be surprised how often your subconscious mind manages to claw its way to the top.

Let's use a basic example: When you learn something new, you have to go step by step through it. For example, learning to read and learning how to sound out letters. You did this years and years ago, but eventually programmed your subconscious mind to read the words of this article without thinking about it – it's just going straight into your brain. Similar things happen when you automatically change television channels.

Now we should take a look at how we get an action to become subconscious to that regard. If, for instance, something that you didn't like ends showing on the screen, you'll find that you have the urge to change the channel. Your subconscious mind has a lot of impact on the way that you act, and you'll discover that over time, so long as you have the right training, you are going to get a lot of good in the quality of your life.

Utilizing the full power, and properly training your subconscious mind can be the difference between letting your life control you and you controlling your life. While we're told too often of the 'dangers' of the subconscious, it's really a well of untapped potential to be used. It's an example of negative expectations drawing negative results.

There are positive things that lurk in our subconscious as well, and in that, you are going to find that your subconscious is a great tool that you can use to support yourself. Some people think that this is too difficult for them, but the truth of the matter is that you are looking at something that just about anyone could do. When you want to guide your subconscious, you are looking at something that can be accomplished through a series of simple processes. Consider how you can take a brief look at some of the ways that are you going to be able to get good results.

When you first start out, the best thing to work on is your affirmation. Using this ability will give you a more positive outlook on life and help you achieve your goals. Even though it's just the initial step, it's a monumental part of the process.

When you want to achieve a daunting goal that is looming in front of you, for example, you might find yourself overcome with a feeling of weariness and tiredness. This is something that is a natural stress response to something that you do not want to do. With the power of affirmation working behind you, though, you'll find that you can actually beat this state of mind and look for a better way to approach the task at hand. This is something that can make a huge difference.

To start out, simply write down or tell yourself about the benefits. Keep in mind this is not a one time deal. When you're out cutting your yard, you may have to tell yourself fifty times before a boost of energy hits your system. If you have to do it for something else, try writing everything down and posting it throughout your home. In doing this you are literally training your subconscious mind.

If you are working towards major obstacles to overcome, the process is the same way. It doesn't matter if you're addicted to gambling, drinking, drugs, smoking, or even shopping, because it can all be fixed. However, if you sit there and tell yourself that it's just not going to happen, then it won't. Now, we hope you understand just how important it is to change your subconscious thoughts.

Even though most people start out with the affirmation process, there are several other options available. Another suggestion would be post hypnotic suggestion. This is where you find a reputable hypnotherapist and go through all the steps they require. It could be anything from listening to pre-recorded hypnosis articles or working with a specialist.

You may also want to look into a brand new process know as binaural beats or brainwave synchronization, which will let you listen to special sound frequencies using headphones. Because the two sounds that you are hearing are different, it forces the two hemispheres of your brain to synchronize. This in turn will put you into a deep meditative state that lets your conscious self get in touch with your subconscious mind.

Once you've reached a certain peak regarding the training of your subconscious mind, there are higher levels to attain. It's something that only a few people can do, but there has been evidence that shows Buddhist monks achieving supernatural powers. Granted it's not like they're Superman or anything, but levitation and invisibility has been documented.

The whole idea is to manipulate the way you think, both consciously and subconsciously. Even professionals have explained things like this over the Internet like the move, \"The Secret.\" If you haven't seen this, it's a documentary that is geared around the law of attraction. It teaches you how to use this to your advantage and get what you want out of life by communicating with your subconscious mind.

People are capable of a lot more than they know; and the key to using this is to tap into the full power of the subconscious mind. It's never too late to start. Start focusing on unrelenting positivism and see the benefits unfold in your own life, today!

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New Research Into Power Of Mind

Do you remember the old drug slogans geared towards teens in the eighties? Well, there was one of them that said, ‘The mind is a terrible thing to waste.’ While they’re commercial was talking about frying your brain cells, we can translate the slogan into a conversation covering the subconscious mind.

The power of mind is the most powerful thing in the universe!

By now, we have heard of The Secret. Whether you are one of the millions that bought the book and watched the movie or not, you have to know that it all dealt with the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction, which everyone by now knows that the basis is you will attract what it is you think about.

It is not magic that we are talking about in here. The power of the mind cannot be harnessed if we do not do the same passionately and with the focus and determination that we have within us. The laws of attraction cannot be implemented in life if it is not properly done. The thoughts that we have really matter a lot since whatever we think of gets implement in our lives.

As an example, take the placebo effect – people who are receiving a placebo in clinical trials of medications often experience the effects caused by the actual medication since they believe that they are receiving the medication.

Can you imagine thinking you’re going to take a drug that is supposed to solve a problem and it doesn’t? It happens all the time, but most of the time it’s because your mind is telling you it won’t. This is just one example of mind over matter. This shows that mind power is very powerful!

It’s just one of the many ways we can prove how powerful the subconscious mind can alter your life. Have you ever got up in the morning and decided that it was going to be a dreadful day and that is what happened?

This was no coincidence. Coincidences don’t just happen – they are made to happen by your subconscious mind.

Quantum mechanics talks about the ‘observer effect’ and how information in the system alters the outcomes. While the link between quantum mechanics and The Secret is tenuous, the same guiding principle applies to the Law of Attraction. Your ability to observe the universe alters it.

There are scientists who are of the opinion that some of the things generally regarded as being supernatural phenomena such as ESP, remote viewing and astral projection may be explainable through science, although the way that they work is not yet entirely understood.

In short – everything we see, hear and feel is merely a creation of our thoughts! Nothing is solid; it is all energy and this energy has been created by the power of our minds.

The power of the mind is something that you can train yourself to use for your own benefit. If you could use your own mental energy to bend the universe and make positive changes, wouldn’t you want to learn how?

So where does it all start? How about figuring out where you want to go.

Initially there must be a goal set in our mind and it must be done in a scrupulous way. The goal however should not contain anything that is not clear. If it is a amount of money that we have set in our mind, the amount must be clearly etched in our thoughts. After this we must drive all our thoughts and mind activities to this goal and will soon see the result.

It is very important that you are consistent. Despite all the distractions you may have, you must remain focussed on achieving this goal.

A great way to be able to focus on the good things is by using affirmation. If you can focus everything on obtaining your goals, the power of the subconscious mind will take advantage of the situation. Sure it may difficult to grasp at first, but it’s only because it seems so simple.

Look at successful people. Everything they do is aimed at furthering their goal, and with their mind and will ruling their passions, they have a palpable air of success. This success isn’t difficult to emulate – it’s very simple. It just requires clarity of purpose and focus.

Just think how great it would be if you could alter reality so that things go the way you want them to go. For example if you really wanted a dream house how would you go about getting it? You have to divert all of your energies to that dream house. Imagine yourself painting and decorating it for example.

Everywhere we go, our thoughts must be converge on the goal set. It may be the mortgage or the paints and our energies should also work in same lines.

Then of course you aren’t really thinking about getting a dream home anytime soon, and all of a sudden it’s up for sale. Amazing right? Well, it’s just one example of the power behind the subconscious mind and how it will work for you.

This is something that any of us has the ability to do. When you learn to tap into the power of the mind, you can use it to achieve nearly anything in life. The important thing is to start small and then work your way up to ever bigger and better things until you’ve accomplished everything you want to in life.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

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Monday, September 26, 2011

Using the Power Of Mind to Make a Difference in Your Life

You may not know this, but back around the early to mid-80s, we really saw an increase in powerful messages helping the subconscious mind. Most of them dealt with anti-drug slogans and commercials that were just about everywhere. However, there was one that said, ‘The mind is a terrible thing to waste.’ Well, they couldn’t have brought more right.

Our minds have a lot of potential which most of us are letting go unused. The power of mind is something that none of us should waste and when we know how to tap into these unused resources, we can change our lives and event the world.

The subconscious mind has unbelievable power hidden within it. If you’ve had the opportunity to watch, ‘The Secret’ you realized the potential and possibly used it to your advantage. This uses the idea of the ‘power of mind’.

The idea behind this is to let everyone know you can create events in your life simply by thinking about them subconsciously. Since there is a positive and negative side to this, you just need to train your subconscious to believe in the positive.

There is a lot proof for this. For example I am sure you have heard of the Placebo Effect in medical trials where some people receive the real drug and others a dummy or placebo.

Undoubtedly you have seen people ‘think’ themselves sick, and you have seen them ‘think’ themselves well. Our mind power is incredible.

Now you must have experienced this yourself when you got up in the morning and convinced yourself it was going to be a bad day. Any what happened? It really was a bad day; just about everything that could go wrong did go wrong!

All these are not mere happening. As a matter of the fact these incidents take place because we think too much about them in a negative way and this the mind does the trick.

One which is particularly intriguing is that matter exists only when there is an observer there to describe it (or rather, matter may be in one of several possible states until it is observed – or all of them at once). What this means is that human beings may be able to exert much more influence on their surroundings than has been previously thought.

Many scientists now believe that many things which we think of as supernatural are in fact explainable through hard science, although we’re only beginning to understand just how it is that telepathy, ESP and other mental phenomena work.

On the extreme end, this leads to solipsism, the belief that nothing is real until you observe it, and the question of ‘If a tree falls in the woods, and nobody’s around, does it make any sound?’

There are perhaps a very small amount of people who have really thought about using the power of the mind in order to achieve something good and make our lives better from the way they are. It is in fact a prudent thing if we really have our minds working and try and use its power to live a better life. Moreover assets are always meant to be used in a good way before they star t being used in the other way round.

Let us take a look at the steps needed to direct your mind power to creating what you want.

We must initially set a clear goal in our mind and this must be done in a categorical way. However The goal that we decide must not be contain a subject matter which is vague for example huge amount of money. We must have the amount precisely in our mind and then channelize all our thoughts and energy to think about that fixed amount.

It will probably be difficult at first, but if you stick with it even on the first time out, things will change.

Many people already know about the power of the mind and use it every day to make their goals a reality. They are able to decide on a specific goal and put all of their mind power towards this objective – and this is exactly how some of the world’s most successful people have managed to become who they are today. It’s not difficult to do, though learning to focus your mind on your goal does take a little metal training.

These people who are able to channelize their mind power in fact people with great mental stature. As their starts working and goes forward with the task of achieving the goal, the other energies are also channelized towards the same. Thus the combination of energies help to great extent and this theory may not be easy to grasp since in reality it seems too easy to attain.

Start focusing your mental energies on this goal. Visualize what vegetables you’d plant in the garden and what color you’d paint each room in the home.

Everything you do from now on needs to be focussed on getting that dream house. You could visit the local Home store to choose the color paint you want. You can look at getting the best rate mortgae.

When you make this goal the target of the power of the mind, you begin to set the events in motion which lead to it coming to pass. The home will go on the market, your offer will be accepted and you’ll easily secure a great mortgage. It’s not luck that made this happen; it’s not just your hard work either – the power of the mind played the starring role.

What it comes down to is that we believe in ourselves to a certain extent. When the time comes that you feel as though something will be impossible, it’s time to tap into the subconscious mind. If you can do this, it won’t be long before you start experiencing the positive energy that is built around you.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Thought Transference And Learning Power Of Subconscious Mind

When you are thinking about things like creation and power, make sure that you think about how the power of your subconscious mind works. Everything that we say and do originates in the mind and for some people who have a great deal of focus and will, the actions of the mind can become something very real and tangible.

Let's look at an example of subconscious mind power, where you want to change the channel on the television. Chances are good that you have been in a place where you just picked up the remote and flipped the channel without thinking twice about it. You didn't need to worry about the particulars of the action because you were very used to it, you knew what to expect and the action has become subconscious.

Before we get deep into this conversation, it's important to understand how an action occurs. Normally you might be sitting in front of the TV and want to change the channel. The conscious mind will tell you to pick up your remote and press the appropriate button. However, there are times when you see maybe a commercial you don't like and automatically change it without even giving it a second thought. This occurs because you've trained your subconscious to change the channel when that particular commercial is on.

However, that same concept can be run in reverse. Thinking of the positive outcomes of an action can make them come closer to their realization. This need not be complicated, it's not rocket science. It's using what's called the Law of Attraction to bring positive outcomes to your life. It's a simple process and anyone can do it.

Quite possibly, the simplest way one can guide the subconscious mind it through the power of affirmation. As one would logically assume, affirmation refers to the ability to remind oneself of positive aspects of life in order to achieve a desired result.

Sometimes, you need to be a bit more proactive; when faced with a task you're putting off, affirm to yourself the positive benefits of completing the task. Remind yourself that you can do it, and think about all the things you can do when it's done. People who mark their calendars counting down to a holiday are one example of this.

One way this can be achieved is through constantly reminding oneself about how many benefits can be derived from performing the task. You could also look in the mirror and affirm that you are the absolute best person for the job. In fact, you are so good at the job the end result will be a complete work of art!

Other ways to tap into the power of your subconscious mind include hypnosis and post hypnotic suggestions. More than the scenario of the Manchurian Candidate, hypnosis is a way to program your subconscious to do things for you. Consult with a hypnotherapist to see if this is the right avenue for you to use.

There is evidence that this can actually be taken much further. Buddhist monks for example are able to use the power of their subconscious mind so successfully that they can exhibit what some would call 'supernatural' powers such as levitation and invisibility.

By using the power of our subconscious mind, we can actually manipulate matter on a subatomic level and all of the events around us. This has been explained in films and books such as 'The Secret' which explains the law of attraction. This shows that it is not only theoretically possible, but is in fact a physical law which allows you to manifest whatever you want out of life just by successfully communicating with your subconscious mind.

People are capable of a lot more than they know; and the key to using this is to tap into the full power of the subconscious mind. It's never too late to start. Start focusing on unrelenting positivism and see the benefits unfold in your own life, today!

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Subconscious Mind

Most people have heard or even spoken the word, “Subconscious” but do they really know what subconscious is?

The meaning of “sub” means below or under and when it is read together with the word conscious, it literally means below or under consciousness. So subconscious is the mind that operates below the level of your normal consciousness. Unconscious is sometimes used to substitute the word subconscious.

First and foremost, human minds are made up of two virtual parts: the conscious and the subconscious. As the word ‘virtual’ means, there’s really no way that we could separate the two minds and locate them in different parts of our bodies. It’s not possible because the mind and the body are really two different entities. Please bear in mind that your brain is not your mind. The brain like your liver and heart is just an organ that performs numerous vital activities in sustaining your life.

The subconscious is powerful but please take note that it is not in the sense that the subconscious is better or greater than the conscious. Subconscious and conscious are both great tools only when we know how to use them wisely and correctly. Both subconscious and conscious play different roles in sustaining our lives and which also mean they both compliment with each other. The subconscious cannot substitute the conscious and vice-versa. For that, we could not prefer one than the other; they are just two different kind of minds that possess different strengths and usage.

The conscious mind is the part or level of your mind which are reading this article; the state where you have your full awareness. Conscious is the mind that does all the thinking and it guides you in making decision. It thinks in a logical way and thus, it possesses the ability of reasoning and very often, the solutions that come up by the conscious mind are always to serve to our best, at least in its own perception.

On the other hand, the subconscious is the part of your mind that does not possess the ability of reasoning because it could never think. Some people even refer the subconscious as the dumb mind. It makes no decision and it depends entirely on the conscious mind to feed it information. Whatever the conscious mind impress on it will be taken seriously whether it is right or wrong, good or bad. They just make no difference to the subconscious; everything looks the same and it is its job to execute them.

However, everything has its pro and con. Although the subconscious does not have the ability to think and reason, it inevitably plays an important role in maintaining human’s vitality. Subconscious is the mind that controls the blood circulating system, the digestion system, the breathing mechanism, cells rejuvenation, liver functions and every other life sustaining system that you can name. It is strong in the sense that it could control everything simultaneously without the interference from the conscious mind. Even the conscious mind can’t do that.

Besides, the subconscious is the storehouse of memory. Everything that you have seen, heard, touched, smelt or even experienced are stored in the subconscious (with an unlimited of storage capacity). And most importantly, it never fails to recall whatever that has been stored in it.

If it is any, it is the fault of the way that we organize things in our memory that make this system inefficient. That’s why educator such as Tony Buzan has come out with the Mind Mapping Tool. Knowing how to use this tool is great because it could really boast up your memory and speed up your learning process. However, you still could trace back your old memory even if you haven’t employed this magnificent tool if you know how (we shall go into that later on).

As mentioned earlier, one of the most important facts about the subconscious is its inability to differentiate between the good and bad, truth and false. Whatever that you have impressed upon your subconscious will have a corresponding effect later on in your life. Thoughts and beliefs are held in the subconscious (as the role of memory storehouse) and these things are what you made of; they become the master guide for your subconscious to follow. In other word, they become the blueprint of your life.

For that, it is very important that you always watch out for your thoughts because if you don’t, negativity that offered by the mass or media will easily gain access to your mind. It is even bad if those negativities are offered by you especially during the time when you are not consciously aware of your own thinking. At this moment, every thought that you produce will bypass the conscious and access into your subconscious easily. Charles Haanel, the author of the famous “The Master Key System” once accredited the conscious mind as the “Guard at the Gates” and which he said, “Whenever the conscious drifts away, negativity slips in.”

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Mind Power and Success

The mind plays an important role in achieving every kind of success and goal, minor, everyday goals or major goals.

With minor or day-to-day goals, one usually knows what he or she wants to do or get, but when it comes to major goals, most people don't know what they really desire. They desire to do something big, but they don't know what. They might have a vague idea, but this is not enough.

To accomplish anything, and to use your mind power, you have to know exactly what it is you want to do. To focus your mind power on a goal, you need to have a clear and well defined goal. How do you go about that?

You have first to think or meditate, to find out what is it that you want to accomplish or gain. This might not be a simple step, and requires deep thinking, investigation and time.

After discovering what you really want to accomplish, you need to come up with a plan for action. You need to know what you have to do first and how to proceed. All of this requires planning, which means using the power of the mind.

After deciding on a goal and coming up with a plan, you need to hold in your mind a clear mental image of your goal. You need to see it accomplished. This step requires that you use your imagination, which is another power of the mind. Not everyone can visualize clear mental images, but regular training of the imagination can do wonders. You may, for example, look at photos of what you want to achieve, and then close your eyes, and try to see it in your imagination. This will enhance your ability to visualize.

At this point you have to display patience, self-discipline and the power to persist in your efforts. This requires a one pointed mind.

Affirmations are another useful mental tool for achieving success. What you affirm sinks into the subconscious mind, becomes part of the subconscious mind, and consequently affects your behavior and actions. If your affirmations are positive, they lead you to success.

Another important power of the mind is thought transference. You need to be able to transmit your thoughts to other people, who would aid you with your plans. Often, you have to persuade others to invest in your plans or to help you in other ways. It is not enough just to talk with them, you need to believe in what you are saying; you need to be enthusiastic and persuasive, otherwise they won't listen and won't care. You need to be able to reject your and their doubts. To be able to do so, you need concentration, control over your thoughts, willpower, self-discipline and patience. All these are mental tools and skills.

Motivation is another mental and emotional power that you require for achieving success. How can you achieve anything if you are not motivated enough? To increase your motivation and enthusiasm, think often of your goal, about its advantages and benefits, and how it will change your life. Doing so, will strengthen your motivation.

Your thoughts, which are part of your mind, possess power. The thoughts that you most often think tend to come true. If you pour your mental energy into the same thoughts or mental images day after day, they will become stronger and stronger, and would consequently affect your attitude, expectations, behavior and actions. These thoughts and mental images can even be subconsciously perceived by other people, who would then offer you help or opportunities. Your thoughts can also create what is usually termed as coincidence. They can attract into your life corresponding events, situations and opportunities.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Monday, September 19, 2011

Mind power

Most of us are familiar with the old adage “Where there’s a will, there’s a way”. With this simple but true statement, the possibility of using one’s mind to overcome obstacles, problems and mistakes…is projected. And believe it or not, even Yoga uses the simple logic of mind over matter to help people de-stress and detach from the real world to enter a reality that is totally in their mind.

Springboard to life
Sometimes, mind power is also loosely termed as affirmations. Many believe that affirmations can help lift shattered spirits and mend broken hearts. It can help people get back on their feet when they feel that they are beaten. It can bring the soul back to life when the soul sinks into depression. No scientifically designed drug or medication works as effectively as mind power.

In some cases, using the power of the mind to control an outcome or break a negative trend can be life changing too. For instance, if someone has been going through a cycle of bad relationships, there is a way of breaking that chain and prevent history from repeating itself. Self-hypnosis, for one thing, is also considered a method of controlling the mind to help the owner of that mind control his actions.

The mind is a finger tapping into your inner powers
And oh, let’s not forget the preaching of some of the self-help gurus out there who tells you that if you learn how to control your own mind, you can tap into a limitless, bottomless pit of opportunities and unleash the giant from within your small self so that you can achieve the most out of your life. It’s true. The subconscious mind can be controlled and can be used to our advantage.

Well, the brain and the mind are, for most of common folks, the same thing. It’s the grey matter up in there. But for successful people and people who understand, comprehend and embrace the power of mind-control knows that the brain and the mind are totally different things altogether. You use the brain to decide what to do when there’s a mistake; you use the brain for mathematical solutions. But you don’t use the mind to do all of that. The mind is like a hardly-used passageway between the heart and the brain. Using your mind is connecting the heart (your love, interests, passion, and beliefs) and the brain (logical thinking and assessment of actions and decisions).

Knowing how to use the mind is extremely, extremely empowering!

When success is all in the mind….
The difference between those who make it and those who don’t is that some of these successful people are success-minded. And when one is success-minded, he or she will spent a certain period of time every day mentally going ‘into’ himself or herself, evaluating his or her own needs, requirements, goals, mistakes, focus, and talents. The process of ‘going into oneself’ is akin to concept of having mind power capabilities.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Friday, September 16, 2011

Proof Of Mind Power – Learn How!

The mind itself is like a magnet, and what you think and see you will eventually attract. This is based upon what is called the ‘Law of Attraction,’ and your mind is an amazingly powerful instrument. When you believe something very strongly, it’s eventually going to happen.

This is real mind power! If you can think and feel and believe that you will have a great life, then you will. First you must imagine it and that takes practice. But with persistence in anything you do, you can achieve success. The mind is a remarkable thing.

The Law of Attraction works even if you don’t believe in it. Whether you choose to use your mind power positively or not is up to you; we only use 10% of our brain’s capacity for conscious thought, the rest is a well of untapped unconscious potential, and you’re using it now whether you admit to it or not.

That is why we all feel that we are having so much trouble in life. We think negatively because we do not believe that what we want can happen. So we basically continue to attract nothing more than negativity. The truth of it is that the things that we think are really happening right before our eyes.

First, understand that ‘reality’ is within your mind. Whatever you’ve got to this point has been because of your subconscious mind power. A lot of people think that everyone has extra sensory or psychic powers. But you have to make an effort for these powers to come out. Your mind power is real; just choose to use it.

Basically, if you want something in your life then all you need to do to get it is think it. If you expect nothing but bad things then that is what you will get.

We don’t want you to continue down this path and since you’re reading this, you probably don’t want to either. The best way to change your normal daily process is by visualizing everything in a positive manner. If you want a new car then you need to picture yourself driving to work and watching everyone complement you on your new ride. Then again, if you visualize the loan not going through then it won’t.

Visualizing simply means that you sit down and think of images and pictures inside your head, of things that you want. These images can eventually be brought to life in reality, but first you have to start with yourself and ultimately, your subconscious mind.

However, the drawback to this is that you have to think positive in order to have positive things come to you. Therefore, it’s best to ‘practice’ the way that you want to think and live before you actually try to do this.

It may be helpful to write down your ideas like a story of what your ideal life. What are your goals? What are your dreams and visions? Be as specific as possible and write everything down so that you will remember what you have discovered. Repeat this process a couple of times each day until it begins to feel real and you begin to truly believe in your dreams.

You can also do this with affirmations. Affirmations are simply little statements of encouragement you give yourself throughout the day. It can be about anything. For example, if you want to lose a few pounds, you can say, ‘I’m going to successfully and easily lose 10 pounds by the end of the month.’ Keep reminding yourself that you are losing this weight effortlessly and easily, and recent, you’ll see the weight simply start to drop off.

As you state what you expect to be true, it will eventually become true. It may feel a bit uncomfortable at first but if you do anything consistently for 28 days it becomes a habit.

Your mind power can also be improved by simple training. This is brainwave synchronization through listening to specific tones through a set of earphones.

Some of the other things that the brain can do include enhancing memory and enhancing natural psychic powers. The differing frequencies can do a lot of things concerning mind power. This advanced procedure works wonders.

Hypnosis can also help to increase your mind power by helping you relax and get into your subconscious mind directly. For example, hypnosis has been used successfully to help others quit smoking. These people simply go into a session with a trained hypnotist, relax, and listen to the trained hypnotist tell them again and again that smoking tastes very bad, that they don’t have the desire, that they’re repulsed by it, and that they’re ready to quit. And although this may take several sessions (just as any habit-training will), it does work.

Eventually they get the person to believe in themselves and convince them they can kick the habit. The mind is simply a wonderful thing if you know how to open it up.

In the end it comes down to the fact that everyone has this kind of potential. The mind is often the overlooked part of our society. Even though this is unfortunate, it’s also important that you’ve made it to this point. The truth is we can’t help anyone who continues to believe they can’t be helped. However, since you’re taking the initiative to get started, it’s time to start your first test.

Remember everything starts with the subconscious mind. The only thing holding you back is your conscious mind!

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Mind Power and Reality. Why Dreamers are Successful?

I do not have time for dreams, reality is waiting…

We all need some time just for ourselves. You need some space to be only who you are, to do what you want to do. You need to take off the costumes of your roles in life. Only you, not a husband or wife, son or daughter, mother or father. Just your name.

Modern times come with a lack of time. We do not have time for anything, although we have all the tools to make our lives easier and faster. We are all in a rush. This is why a short time with yourself is so precious.

What is best to do when you are alone with yourself?

If you are lucky to have some time for yourself, what do you prefer to do? Hobbies are the most popular ones to taste those times. Read, run, paint, create, investigate or just listen. You should not forget to listen to your dreams. Dreaming is not only for the dreamers. Do not you get tired of the reality? Would not it be better to offer your mind a short break?

If you believe that only reality brings success, that means you have everything you wanted in your real life. Do you?

Dreaming is one of the most affective keys of success. It is like a mental exercise to succeed. Dreaming is a way to set real goals to yourself. It is the easiest way not to be regretful at the end. Dreaming helps you to decide what you actually want.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Visualize Your Life

Visualization works! When you can legitimately visualize your goals, complex universal forces will orchestrate an avenue which most people refer to as “luck” or “catching the right breaks” for those goals to potentially become realities no matter how massive they may be. However, once this happens, it is your responsibility to take advantage of the opportunities orchestrated by the universe which is a whole other matter in and of itself. But visualization is the first step. Visualization is also synonymous with belief, expectation, and feeling.

Whether we are aware of it or not, all of us engage in visualization every single day. However, many of us are fixated on visualizing mediocrity, lack, and struggle, in regard to financial issues and our well being. Too many of us expect the conditions of our lives to perpetually stay the same. Many of us simply cannot conceive enormous monetary or social breakthroughs or increases in our lives and as a result, they don’t occur in 99% of cases.

There are a few stages in the creative process which center around visualization. First you must at least believe that it is possible for you to attract whatever it is that you want into your life. Next, you must believe that what you want will in fact become a reality at some point in the future. After this, you must disregard the dimension of time and visualize yourself in the moment experiencing whatever it is that you want. This involves both imagining and feeling the experience. For example, let’s say that a promotion is your goal. Visualize yourself at work doing whatever your dream job entails and having particular business conversations pertaining to that job. Also visualize the new level of respect you receive from others as a consequence of your new title. Get very specific and creative with this. Pick out very specific individuals and circumstances and orchestrate relevant events in your mind. By doing this you allow yourself to concieve the attainment of your goal whereas before, you mentally confined yourself to a lesser societal position. Lastly, visualize and feel like you already have or achieved your goal. Attain the feeling of already completing it, feeling the positive consequences of achieving it, and seeking to move on to the next goal.

You may now be thinking, “How can I get myself to start visualizing.” The most significant method for the majority of people to perpetuate the proccess is to recite affirmations. You see, our brains along with our thoughts and feelings are electric. These entities do not have a life of their own so to speak. Either you can control the electric in your organism or it can control you. It is more advantageous and practical to choose the former. When you recite a positive affirmation, it does not matter to your brain if what you are affirming is logical in terms of what society collectively considers logical, your electrical and mechanical brain will naturally believe what you have recited and generate the corresponding feelings and visions associated with doing so. Basically, your brain is an electric machine which you have the power to program anyway you want to irrespective of “logic” or the dimension of time. And as human beings, we necessarily think in words, and speaking out loud in words has a way of determining our beliefs,feelings, and visions. When you recite affirmations, you will visualize, believe in, and feel what you recite.

However, when you engage in visualization, your goals will not always manifest during your desired timetables or the exact way in which you envisioned them. In fact, sometimes they may transpire sooner than you thought they would and on other occasions they may come later than you anticipated. Also, sometimes you may manifest less than what you wished for and other times you may recieve something better than you anticipated. I think many people become avid believers in the power of the mind and visualization but become cynical about it whenever they don’t reap the rewards of it during their desired timetables or exactly the way they wanted it.

Keep in mind that your ego and limited senses cannot always pinpoint exactly when and how something is going to happen. You have to leave that up to the universe and just worry about your role. Your thoughts are energy and as a result of being energy, attract like energy. So your objective should be to just project as much energy as you can out into the universe in the form of positive thoughts and visions regarding your goals, without worrying about when and how they will materially transpire. If you can manage to be consistent with this, you will surely change your life the way you want it to.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley