Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Subconscious Mind Power : Release Your Enthusiasm And Change Your Life

Enthusiasm will not only make you more productive, but will also lighten your load and make obstacles a lot easier to overcome...
Remember it’s not what we “do” that counts - it’s what we “get done”
If we are interested in a task and enjoy doing it, then we find it easy to motivate ourselves to start.
Once started, our feelings of involvement in the activity will keep us going.

When you have enthusiasm in your life, it will bring energy to your day and attract people to you.
Negativity, Worry And Stress Will Drain Your Enthusiasm...
By focusing on only the positive side of each situation you will find it is a lot easier to get things done.
Enthusiasm can also be contagious - when you are doing things you are passionate about its easier to convince others to join you, because they are attracted by your enthusiasm and energy.

Each day do something, no matter how small, towards meeting your goals and desires...
Each step that brings you nearer to your desires - creates a more positive attitude and greater enthusiasm.
The more energy and enthusiasm you can create towards your goals and desires, the more likely you are to complete or attain them.

Enthusiasm in its natural form can simply be an expression of happiness, joy, delight or even thanks and gratitude for your existence and for you being alive.

When you wake your enthusiasm, you will find it’s that inner spark which brings excitement and happiness to your life.
It’s also a power which can be called upon anytime, to change conditions and circumstance in your life.
Enthusiasm Is Much More Than Excitement And Happiness.

It burns brighter, longer and stronger and makes the difference in everything you see, think and do.
Practice the use of enthusiasm towards every moment of your daily life, towards your work, towards your family, towards your associates, and towards your friends.

But the most important of all you must have enthusiasm towards your own desires and goals – keep on assuring yourself that you can do it and that you will do it.

Because you believe in yourself and your own powers of accomplishment...
Enthusiasm not only increases your confidence but it also increases your desire to work towards your goals.

Whatever your desire is in life, make sure it’s something you can do with enthusiasm.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Subconscious Mind Power : How To Develope Concentration

The problem with concentration is, the more we think or worry about concentration, the less we actually concentrate on the task at hand.

That's why a lot of strategies to improve concentration usually approach it indirectly, by focusing on the elimination of distractions etc.

And a thoughtful analysis of what distracts your concentration will often indicate to you the most effective course of action for improving it.

Never allow yourself to overlook the fact that whatever action you are engaged in, it doesn’t matter how big or small this action may be - the act of concentration and attention is also involved.

Concentration Can Be Developed Through All Kinds Of Activities...
And the ease and perfection of any activity can be gained by repetition. When the mind is peaceful and clear, you naturally address issues one at a time.

It’s also equally true to say that, if you limit yourself to doing or only thinking about one thing at a time - you will find that the mind, in turn - gradually develops clarity and with this increased concentration and will power.

To develop the power of concentration we must practice the shutting out of all distracting thoughts and impressions from our minds.

The most important part is to focus positively on one-thing-at-a-time and to avoid thinking of other things that may distract or divert you.

The concentration of all your attention is an important part towards the development and also the improvement of your mind powers.

When all the forces are focused on a single object or state of awareness...
The person who can do this has concentration, has the power of attention, and the person who hasn’t yet developed this concentration power must acquire it before they can hope to focus their powers of the mind toward anything they want or desire.

So as you can see, the concentration and focus of all your attention is not only an important part of your mind power...

It's a big part of it, as nothing great or significant can be accomplish without your power of concentration!

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Friday, August 26, 2011

Subconscious Mind Power : Your Power Of Desire

It’s often not enough to only know “what you want”, and believe you can get it, you must also “want it hard enough” and create it with a strong desire.
Desire is like a goal striving energy, a sort of built-in magnet which has the means to pull whatever is needed to you...
Very Few People Know How To Create And Hold A Strong Desire.

They satisfy themselves with simply “wishing” or even a mild “wanting”, they fail to put into action a strong, intense and continuing desire.
You must learn and develop the art of “want” and “want to” so you may arouse the full forces of your desire power.

A strong desire can have a tremendous influence on all of your mental faculties, causing them to put all of their power and energies to work for you...
Just a few things a strong desire can do for you:
- Quicken your imagination
- Inspire your emotions
- Stimulate your intellect
- Awaken your senses

The more you desire or want something, the harder you will work for it, and the easier this work will seem to you.
Everything We Do Is Prompted By Desire In Some Shape Or Form...
It would be impossible for us to remain desire less, and still act in one way or another.
Desire is the motive-power behind all action; it is the breathing force behind all natural activities, processes and events...
We do not have to be slaves of our own desires; everyone has within them the power to control, direct and master them.

But before we do so...
We must first desire to do so – we must desire to start, desire to achieve, and desire to finish.
Your power of desire can work for you as a “success magnet” or against you as a “failure magnet”.

It all depends on how you the controller - controls it and also the goals you set for it...

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Controlling Your Destiny Through Mind Power

One of the primary problems we face as people who live in a highly technological, consumer society is that we tend towards automation. We fall into daily rituals that become weekly cycles that gradually turn into annual sequences, and as we submit to the routine, our mind power switches into the “off” position. We become less aware of who we are, shut down and stop seeking both purpose and meaning, and go through the motions of existence, no longer in control of our own individual destinies. Ironically, the impulse to merely exist, like a robot or zombie, is motivated by the desire to be in control, but it isn’t until we relinquish control and become mindful that we are able to truly have the mind power to shape the way our lives are going.

What is does it mean to be mindful? Being mindful has to do with cutting through all the static, all the idle or negative thoughts that constantly assault our inner life as we go through the motions and begin to become aware not only of the world around us from moment to moment, but who we are as individual persons within it. It isn’t merely employing the tactics of mind control in order to think more clearly in a rationalistic way or coming up with a perfect theory or working philosophy of life. That kind of mind control (as opposed to mind power) loses itself in abstraction, and is distant from the reality of our daily lives. Being truly mindful pushes past abstract ideas, but once it is reached through effort and training, imbues us with power.

What kind of techniques can help us to train our minds? Training your mind is just like training for the Olympics, or training to play the piano. There are a variety of methods to work towards developing mind power through mindfulness. The most traditional and popular are certain types of meditation practices, clearing the mind, breathing in a slow and measured way, and gradually becoming more aware not only of your own physicality, but of the real nature of everything that is around you, and treating all things with respect. Opening up your mind to the world around you and to your real personhood is a life-transforming practice that offers many health benefits, including physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual. It can also imbue you with the power to shape your path through life.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

How To Words Can Change Your Life

Thinking is usually a mixture of words, sentences, mental images and sensations. Thoughts are visitors, who visit the central station of the mind. They come, stay a while, and then disappear, making space for other thoughts. Some of these thoughts stay longer, gain power, and affect the life of the person thinking them.

Most people let thoughts connected with worries, fears, anger or unhappiness occupy their mind most of the time. They keep engaging their mind with inner conversation about negative situations and actions. This inner conversation eventually affects the subconscious mind, making it accept and take seriously the thoughts and ideas expressed in those inner conversations.

The subconscious mind regards the words and thoughts that get lodged inside it as expressing and describing a real situation, and therefore endeavors to align the words and thoughts with reality. It works diligently to make these words and thoughts a reality in the life of the person saying or thinking them.

This means that if you often tell yourself that it is difficult or impossible to acquire money, the subconscious mind will accept your words and put obstacles in your way. If you keep telling yourself that you are rich, it will find ways to bring you opportunities to get rich, and push you towards taking advantage of these opportunities.

If you consciously choose the thoughts, phrases and words that you repeat in your mind, your life will start to change. you will begin creating new situations and circumstances. You will be using the power of affirmations.

Affirmations are sentences that are repeated often during the day, which sink into the subconscious mind, thereby releasing its enormous power to materialize the intention of the words and phrases in the outside world. This does not mean that every word you utter will bring result. In order to trigger the subconscious mind into action, the words have to be said with attention, intention and with feeling.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Subconscious Mind Power : THE POWER OF SELF-DIRECTION

You improve or even lower your condition in life by what you will to do...
And your will has a very strong connection with all avenues of knowledge, all activities, and all your accomplishments.

It’s not enough to just, “know what you want” and “want it hard enough”
You must also be “determined to get it” and call into action the persistent determination of your will power...
A great definition of the Will, as Frank Haddock so wonderfully put it, is:


The will is your power of self direction - but first you must decide how and for what purposes this power shall be trained.
Your Will Power Is Actually A Living Force...
But we know it only through its cause and effects.

It’s as much an active force of nature as is Electricity, Solar Energy, Gravitation or any other form of Natural force.
Your desire and will power manifest together, first you have the desire to do something, and then comes the will to do it...
Nothing is impossible to the person who can use their will power, providing they can will strong enough.

It’s a power you can develop, control and direct, and to the extent you direct it do you determine your future.
Your power to will (just like the rest of your mind powers) depends so very much upon your power of belief...
So it may be said that all action depends upon your power to believe and also the belief you have in your own ability.

You Cannot Possibly Will Unless You Believe You Have A Will!
One thing we should not do is to confused will power with stubbornness – the person with a strong will knows when to withdraw from their position as well as when to go forward.
They never let their desires and goals stand still...
You simply have to...
- “Know Just What You Want”
- “Want It Hard Enough”
- And “Be Determined To Get It”

Then you will make a way if you cannot find one - remember where there’s a strong and dedicated will, there’s always a way...
When will is self developed, self mastered and self directed, it only needs proper application to become practically all powerful.
The problem is no one ever really devotes their time and attention to the development of the will.

And since there are no schools and colleges teaching the power of will, most of us have never been taught how to use this wonderful gift.

“The Will To Do” is the greatest power in the world that is concerned with human accomplishment and no one can in advance determine its limits.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Monday, August 22, 2011

Subconscious Mind Power : Belief Is Your Power

It is through this belief in our mind and by wrong thinking, that we are related to all the destructive forces around us.
For instance, we “act like” the sort of person we believe ourselves to be...
Not only this, but we find it hard if not impossible to act any other way, even in spite of all our conscious efforts and will power.

The person who believes them self to be a “poverty type of person” will somehow find a way to stay poor and broke, in spite of all their winnings and good luck.
The person who believes them self to be a “failure type person” will always find some way to fail, even after all their good intentions or will power.
Opportunity could be literally dumped in their lap and they would still find a way to mess it up, in order to remain a failure.

Eliminate, therefore, any possible tendency to complain of conditions as they have been, or as they are, because it rests with you to change them and make them what ever you would like them to be. It’s Blind Belief About Things Which Holds Us Back The Most!
If we believe that we are no good, then it doesn’t matter how hard we strive, struggle, strain or work – because as long as we have this firm and fixed blind belief that we are somehow unfortunate.
Then we will find it almost impossible to exit from our misfortune...

The only good remedy is to relive ourselves from these kinds of blind belief. Unless we do this we will find it hard to be happy within ourselves, for there is a natural law which states.
The World Moves In Accordance With Our Thoughts.

Nothing but our own blind belief in despair can create despair in our lives.
Our beliefs are changed, for better or worse, not just by knowledge and understanding, but by what we have experienced as well.
In fact our present state of desires, beliefs, achievements and self-confidence is all the result of what we have experienced in our lives, rather than what we have come to understand or have learned about...
Even the greatest of people can be sensitive about their reasoning and beliefs being challenged or criticized, for we are all prone to resentments.

But it’s also these same great people which have gone onto learn how to channel their resentments into something more then anger, envy, jealousy or even a wondered pride.
The ability to enlighten and always see the best in any experience you may encounter has resulted in many works of genius being produced.

So instead of looking at certain things in our life with a permanent grudge, it would be so much better and far more productive if we could channel and direct all this wasted mind power energy,
Into some other useful form of desire, activity, or thought...

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Friday, August 19, 2011

Subconscious Mind Power - The magnetic and Attracting Power

The Subconscious mind power draws certain events, circumstances and people into our lives and repels others. In this respect it resembles a magnet. Just look at the people around you. Some pass through certain events and circumstances, while other passes through different experiences. Some accomplish certain things easily, and others accomplish them with great difficulty or not at all.

Your mind is composed of the thoughts you think. These thoughts ate like magnetic currents. If you think positively about some event or action, it turns out to be as you thought about it. If you harbor negative thoughts this negativity is drawn into your life

You attract into your life what you think about frequently. It does not mean that every thought gets materialized. Most of the thoughts ate weak and are not repeated long enough to gain sufficient strength. Weak thoughts, like a weak magnet, hardly have any attractive power

You have seen how a magnet draws mental objects. A strong and big magnet draws bigger objects than a small and week one. Magnets have another peculiar characteristic. One of the magnet draws, and the other side repels.

The power if attraction is a neutral power. The magnet draws to itself everything made of iron, no matter whether it is a useful object or junk. The mind acts in the same way. It attracts into your life positive and negative situation and events, according to the thoughts that you think.

Like the magnet the mind not only attracts but also repels. If you do not believe you can get or accomplish something, then you repel it. Thoughts of incompetence, weakness, fear and inferiority create a repellent force. It is as if you are creating a wind that blows away and prevents certain things to reach you

There are several ways to charge your mind and thoughts with magnetic power. Strong desire, concentration and faith are some of the important ingredients for infusing power into thoughts.

Remember what you think about intently, with attention and feeling is attracted to you. It can be material and it can be spiritual. The power of attraction is a universal power and manifests every where and in every thing. It is the power that holds the universe together. Without it there would not be any world

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Positive Thinking, The Law Of Attraction And The Subconscious mind Power

The Subconscious mind(law of attraction) doesn't filter out the information we provide. It doesn't decide wht is better for us. We have free will, and we decide where we want to focus our energy and our attention. The universe just reflects it back to us. If we focus our attention on something(either positive or negatively), it will simply
respond with more of it.

So, it's important to focus on what you do want, not on what you don't want. State your desire in a positive way. Your subconscious mind works in picture, so if you say "I don't want to be mad", you are creating the picture and the vibration of being "mad". The universe only receives the frequency of "mad" and responds to that. You must focus on the opposite of what you don't want. In this case, it would be a better choice to say "I want to be more loving and accepting of the way things are".

Basically, you need to avoid sending mixed signals to the universe and those around you. They will hinder your ability to attract and manifest in a clear and powerful way.

for example: When you are "against" something, you are actually recreating it. You are creating more of the very thing that you want to eliminate! If you are "antiwar", think again. The operative word here us "war", and that is exactly what you will get more of. A better choice is to be "propeace". The universe will receive the vibration of "peace" and respond accordingly. The war on terrorism has created more terrorism. Violence attracts violence, and love attracts more love.

Make the simple change in your life. Make a conscious effort to restructure the way you think and speak, and avoid giving any unnecessary energy to the things you don't want in your life. Whenever possible, avoid subjecting yourself, your thoughts, your emotions to the negative people and influences in your life.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

You Can Improve Your Life

How many times have you told yourself that you are going to improve your life, but ended doing nothing? How many times have been dissatisfied with some aspects of your life and vowed to change them, but did not follow through with your decision? What is holding you back, preventing you from improving your life? It is lack of enthusiasm, motivation, desire, determination, willpower and discipline.

Often, especially at the beginning of a new year, people make all kinds of promises to start making changes in their life. This also happens after a reading a book or an article about someone who has attained success or transformed his life. However, the desire to make improvements does not last long, and the enthusiasm quickly wanes away.

So, is it really possible to make positive changes? Yes, it is quite possible, but you have to have a plan, follow certain strategies and act in a certain way.

How can you improve your life?

1. Decide what it is you want to improve. Be specific. Sit down where you can be alone and undisturbed, and make a list of goals. Next, analyze what you have written, to find out whether you really want to achieve the items on your list. You will most probably discover that you don't really want to achieve some of these goals.

2. Write down on another piece of paper the items left in your list, which you really want to achieve. Write them down in the order of their importance for you.

3. Think about a plan, how you can make them come true. Be as practical as possible and use your common sense, intuition, imagination and creativity.

4. Come up with something, even quite minor that you can do right now, such as buying a book with information about your goal, attending a lecture, listening to motivating CDs, looking for courses or workshops that can help you improve your life, or any other step that will take you closer to achieving your goal.

5. Read inspiring books and articles about people who have attained success in the area of your choice. This will enhance your enthusiasm and motivation.

6. Visualize the improvements you want to bring about, as already real and true. Make the mental pictures vivid and alive.

7. Keep your desire, enthusiasm and motivation alive, by thinking often of how you would like your life to look like. Also, think often about the benefits and advantages you will gain by improving your life.

8. Repeat affirmations. They will constantly remind you of your goals and program your subconscious mind to assist you in achieving your aims.

9. Don't let anything deter you from improving your life. Don't give in if there are obstacles, delays or difficulties. Be determined to do what you have decided to do, no matter how much time or effort it takes. This is the way successful people act.

10. Developing strong willpower and self-discipline will endow you with the power to overcome any obstacle and difficulty and make you persistent in your efforts. These two skills can be developed through special techniques and exercises.

11. Have faith in yourself and in your ability to improve your life, you financial condition, your habits and your behavior.

12. Be willing and open to accept change. Don't just say that you want to improve your life. This is not enough. Take action, grab opportunities, and be willing to change your habits and lifestyle.

Remember, making resolutions is not enough; you need to do something about them. If you made resolutions in the past, but did not follow them through, it was because you were not serious enough and your desire was not strong enough.

You can improve your life on all levels, but you need to follow a plan, keep up your enthusiasm, desire and motivation, and don't give in when confronting difficulties and obstacles. It might take some time and effort to improve your life, but this is worthwhile and rewarding goal.

About the Author
Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Everything To Help You To Understand Power Of Mind

Our mind is a powerhouse and the immense power stored inside it is unimaginable. The slogan “The mind is a terrible thing to waste” became popular almost thirty years back and mainly tried to hit at drug abuse among the teens. However in today’s world the slogan has whole new meaning.

Your mind is the most powerful tool you have to create the life you want. The power of mind is everything!

The subconscious mind has unbelievable power hidden within it. If you’ve had the opportunity to watch, ‘The Secret’ you realized the potential and possibly used it to your advantage. This uses the idea of the ‘power of mind’.

The idea is that when you focus your mind on something, it attracts it to you. You don’t even have to be expending mental energy on this goal consciously in order for this effect to work; the power of mind works anyway!

Proof of this can be seen in scientific studies everywhere, in the medical world it is known as the Placebo Effect. There is an old adage that even evokes the sentiments, ‘Mind over matter.’ That means that if you don’t mind it doesn’t matter, and if you do mind then it will matter.

It really is true that people can ‘think’ themselves better. Conversely they can ‘think’ themselves ill.

All of us have experienced something like this in our own lives. We all have those days where we wake up thinking that this is going to be a bad day – and in fact, these days usually are. This is the power of the mind at work.

This was no coincidence. Coincidences don’t just happen – they are made to happen by your subconscious mind.

What you will find is that it all revolves around quantum physics. This teaches us that you can create energy around you for anything. Even if we take it a little further, the way it works is your mind creates reality. So if you believe you’re going to get in a car accident, and you keep telling yourself you will, then it’s going to happen. However, we want you to train your mind to work towards the positive things in life.

There are scientists who are of the opinion that some of the things generally regarded as being supernatural phenomena such as ESP, remote viewing and astral projection may be explainable through science, although the way that they work is not yet entirely understood.

In short – everything we see, hear and feel is merely a creation of our thoughts! Nothing is solid; it is all energy and this energy has been created by the power of our minds.

The Law of Attraction works whether you want it to or not. So focus on using it to change your life for the better. That means thinking carefully about your attitudes, planning ahead, and otherwise living a life of contemplation and consequence.

We’re going to take a closer look at what that entails.

One important thing to keep in mind is that it is far easier to focus your mind to achieve a specific goal rather than a general one.

Most importantly that direction needs to be constant, not occasional. This is difficult when you consider the fact that in any given amount of time you have 30 different thoughts racing through your head.

There are certain individuals who have learnt to control and harness their mind power to great extent. They remain completely focused on the goal they want to achieve in life and hence are able to shape their life in a better way.

They focus on specific objectives and put all of their efforts towards their objective, using the full power of the mind. This is what makes it happen; it’s more difficult than it sounds on paper, but it’s something that all of us can achieve if we put our minds to it.

Visualize changing your life. Decide what you want. Say for example you want your dream home. Now all of your thoughts, feelings and actions need to be directed towards that end. Even imagine yourself in that house painting and decorating it or landscaping the gardens.

Everything you do has to do with getting that house. It could be improving your performance at work, clocking the commute from that new house to your job, looking at paint at the local Home Depot, reading up on how to get a good mortgage. You might even start buying a few small things for that new house.

And one fine day we will find out that dream house we always wanted is up for sell. The preparations that we have made and all the energies that we gave will now be put to good use. Thus we confirm the deal of buying the house and thus our goal becomes a reality.

This is something you can do; something everyone can do. Believe in the power of your mind and you can achieve anything – set your mind on a small goal and work your way up to bigger and better things as you go.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Subconscious

We have been designed with not just one mind but two. One mind, it seems, is not enough for what nature and destiny have in store for us. These two minds have very different functions, but they are designed to complement each other, to work together as a functioning team. This complementary work, however, rarely happens, and this is one of the reasons we have problems in our lives. Without harmony in the inner kingdom, there is bound to be dissent and disharmony in the many different ways that life unfolds.

The problem is with the conscious mind. The conscious mind, unless it has been awakened, remains uninterested in the subconscious. It sees no value in working with it. Even the subconscious’s existence is at best conceptual to the conscious mind; a working functioning relationship has not yet been established between the two minds. But with awakening comes the realization of the possibilities of such a relationship. At this point the conscious mind woos the subconscious. This is why it is so important to educate the conscious mind to its role in the human matrix.

The subconscious mind is very powerful, but quite different from the conscious mind. The conscious mind, as you will remember, seeks out Inventory, knowledge and meaning. The subconscious mind, on the other hand, does not seek out Inventory, but receives its mandate and imprints from its interpretation of the content and focus of the conscious mind. What the conscious mind thinks about and focuses on will be the material that the subconscious works with, and that is why we also call the conscious mind “Guardian to the Gates of the Subconscious.” It is the conscious mind’s function to be discerning about what thoughts it thinks, knowing that whatever its focus and attention is on will eventually enter into the subconscious.

As we awaken, we train the conscious mind to take this “Guardian of the Gates of the Subconscious” seriously, and we train ourselves to think only thoughts and images that we would want the subconscious to pick up. There is a very intimate relationship between these two minds, and as the conscious mind gains respect for this relationship, it will work accordingly.

The subconscious’s mandate and function is simply to resonate according to the energetic images that reside within it. It does not choose which beliefs or images it will hold, nor does it judge or censor what it receives. Like neurons wired together because of constant traffic, the subconscious accepts content delivered to it by repetition and feeling. Repetition and feeling are two of the methods we use to reach the subconscious. Whatever the conscious mind thinks about regularly will be picked up by the subconscious and imprinted within. Repetition and deep feeling are what it is looking for and it will seek these out. If your thoughts are about abundance and success, it will pick these up. It will manifest prosperity just as easily as lack, and health just as easily as sickness. If your thoughts are about scarcity, that is what it will pick up. If they are of fear, it will pick up this too. Whatever blueprint resides within our subconscious as an energy vortex becomes the attracting process by which experiences happen to us in our life. To understand this is to understand something great.

The conscious mind is also the “holder to the will.” This is another interesting difference between the two minds, as the subconscious mind has no will or volition of its own. It is passive in what it receives, and acts upon the Inventory it receives from the conscious mind. In fact, you could say that all of Mind Power is based upon the receptivity of the subconscious to suggestion and instruction.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile:Wilfred Stanley

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Power of Affirmations

Affirmations are positive statements that describe a desired situation, and which are repeated many times, in order to impress the subconscious mind and trigger it into positive action. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the affirmations, they have to be repeated with attention, conviction, interest and desire.

Imagine that you are swimming with your friends in a swimming pool. They swim fifteen rounds, something you have never done before, and as you want to win their respect, you want to show them that you can make it too. You start swimming, and at the same time keep repeating in your mind, "I can do it, I can do it...". You keep thinking and believing that you are going to complete the fifteen rounds. What are you actually doing? You are repeating positive affirmations.

Most people repeat in their minds negative words and statements concerning the situations and events in their lives, and consequently, create undesirable situations. Words and statements work at both ways, to build or destroy. It is the way we use them that determines whether they are going to bring good or harmful results.

Often, people repeat negative statements in their minds, without even being aware of what they are doing. Do you keep thinking and telling yourself that you cannot do something, you are too lazy, lack inner strength, or that you are going to fail? Your subconscious mind accepts as true what you keep saying, and eventually attracts corresponding events and situations into your life, irrespective whether they are good or bad for you, so why not choose only positive statements?

Affirmations program the mind in the same way commands and scripts program a computer. They work in the same manner as creative visualization. The repeated words help you focus your mind on your aim, and automatically build corresponding mental images in the conscious mind, which affect the subconscious mind. The conscious mind, the mind you think with, starts this process, and then the subconscious mind takes charge. By using this process consciously and intently, you can affect your subconscious mind and thereby transform your habits, behavior, mental attitude and reactions, and even reshape your external life.

Sometimes results appear quickly, but often more time is required. Depending on your goal, sometimes you might attain immediate results, and sometimes it might take days, weeks, months or more. Getting results depends on several factors, such as the time, focus, faith and feelings you invest in repeating your affirmations, on the strength of your desire, and on how big or small is your goal.

It is important to understand that repeating positive affirmations for a few minutes, and then thinking negatively the rest of the day, neutralizes the effects of the positive words. You have to refuse to think negative thoughts, if you wish to attain positive results.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Business Meeting

Tap Ur Inner Genius! Do u Know,We use less than 2% of brain power. Triple Ur mind power & apply it in your biz & in Ur kids studies? Attend our biz meet this friday @ 7:30am (grand magrath), Bangalore. Pls forward to your friends, biz owners & parents,
Thank You!
Wilfred Stanley(BNI)

The Power of Affirmations

Affirmations are positive statements that describe a desired situation, and which are repeated many times, in order to impress the subconscious mind and trigger it into positive action. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the affirmations, they have to be repeated with attention, conviction, interest and desire.

Imagine that you are swimming with your friends in a swimming pool. They swim fifteen rounds, something you have never done before, and as you want to win their respect, you want to show them that you can make it too. You start swimming, and at the same time keep repeating in your mind, "I can do it, I can do it...". You keep thinking and believing that you are going to complete the fifteen rounds. What are you actually doing? You are repeating positive affirmations.

Most people repeat in their minds negative words and statements concerning the situations and events in their lives, and consequently, create undesirable situations. Words and statements work at both ways, to build or destroy. It is the way we use them that determines whether they are going to bring good or harmful results.

Often, people repeat negative statements in their minds, without even being aware of what they are doing. Do you keep thinking and telling yourself that you cannot do something, you are too lazy, lack inner strength, or that you are going to fail? Your subconscious mind accepts as true what you keep saying, and eventually attracts corresponding events and situations into your life, irrespective whether they are good or bad for you, so why not choose only positive statements?

Affirmations program the mind in the same way commands and scripts program a computer. They work in the same manner as creative visualization. The repeated words help you focus your mind on your aim, and automatically build corresponding mental images in the conscious mind, which affect the subconscious mind. The conscious mind, the mind you think with, starts this process, and then the subconscious mind takes charge. By using this process consciously and intently, you can affect your subconscious mind and thereby transform your habits, behavior, mental attitude and reactions, and even reshape your external life.

Sometimes results appear quickly, but often more time is required. Depending on your goal, sometimes you might attain immediate results, and sometimes it might take days, weeks, months or more. Getting results depends on several factors, such as the time, focus, faith and feelings you invest in repeating your affirmations, on the strength of your desire, and on how big or small is your goal.

It is important to understand that repeating positive affirmations for a few minutes, and then thinking negatively the rest of the day, neutralizes the effects of the positive words. You have to refuse to think negative thoughts, if you wish to attain positive results.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Mind Power

There are numerous ways to boost your self-confidence and make positive changes to your life using just the power of your mind.

Mind therapies used to encourage a happier more confident you

  • Neuro linguistic Programming
  • Visualisation Techniques
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Motivational Therapy

NLP is all about knowing what is going on inside your head as well as that of others. It can help you to communicate better and control your own thoughts.

Visualisation techniques, on the other hand, have been used for thousands of years for emotional and physical healing - by conjuring up positive pictures, visualisation can change emotions that subsequently have a positive effect on your mind or body.

Hypnotherapy works by re-programming patterns of mental behaviour so that irrational fears, phobias, negative thoughts and suppressed emotions can be overcome.

Motivational therapy is used to support and encourage people's perception of their own capabilities.

When you're feeling really low on confidence, self-doubt and poor self-esteem can impact every aspect of your life stopping you from having fun and achieving your goals. Nobody can make you feel bad about yourself the way you can and it's in your power to change.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Monday, August 8, 2011

How to activate the power of your subconscious mind?

Tons of proprietary techniques and tools have been developed to activate the power of the subconscious mind. It’s a multi-million dollar industry!

These techniques and tools have helped tens of thousands of people and disappointed tens of thousands of people.

The problem does not lie in the tools. The problem lies in the person.

The truth is you don’t have to use any special technique to activate the power of your subconscious mind if you have a clear goal and a strong desire to achieve the goal.

Imagine this. If I kidnapped your love one and asked you to bring me $100,000 in 48 hours, will you still give excuses of why you can’t find the money; do you still need to attend a course on how to find $100,000 in 48 hours? Of course not!

You will most likely automatically activate the power of your subconscious mind and come out with ways to find the money and at the same time attract the money to you within the stipulated time.

Most people fail to activate their subconscious mind power simply because they never spend time thinking through what they want in life and setting goals.

They may have a strong desire to succeed but they fail to give specific instructions of what they want to their subconscious mind. In the first place, they are not very sure of what they want.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Start to Use Your Amazing Mind Power

Your mind is like a magnet, which is something you may not have known. Your mind will attract things that it sees and thinks. The law of attraction deals with this power of the mind. The law of attraction is about believing so strongly that something will happen that it does end up happening. This means that you can have the most amazing life if you just put your mind to it. It may take time, but with practice you can have what you want. Your mind is amazing and powerful.

Every person has a powerful mind, but most us just do not believe it. It has been proven through research that humans use only 10% of the power of their brain. That is crazy. That means that we only focus on the simple things. This is part of the reason that we have trouble in life. We think negative thoughts because we do not believe that the positive can happen. We just continue to attract negativity. The reality is that when we think that way then it will happen.

What happens in your life starts in your mind. What you have accomplished is a direct result of the power of your mind. You may have heard that every person has psychic ability or some type of extra sensory skills, but the truth is that is really the advanced power of the mind. Basically, if you want something in your life then all you need to do to get it is think it. If you expect nothing but bad things then that is what you will get.

There are a few things that you can do to start to increase your existing amount of mind power. One of those things involves the use of visualization. This is a very powerful technique because it will help you to exercise your current state of mind power, and might possibly be able to 'flip the switch on' for you in terms of gaining more.

Sit down and start pushing images to your powerful subconscious mind. You can do this by writing things down. Keep them positive so that it is only positive things that you draw to your life. Start by thinking about how you want your life to be and then you can start this process.

To help you, write everything on a piece of paper, like a story. You should consider your goals as they can guide you. You can shape your visions around your goals. By writing things down you will be less likely to forget them. Write and visualize a few times a day so it starts to manifest as reality in your mind.

Another way to increase the amount of mind power that you have is by affirmations. Affirmations are nothing more than positive bits of encouragement that you give yourself throughout the day. It can be a positive amount of encouragement about anything. For example, you can increase your mind power by saying that you will lose those 10 pounds by the end of the month. Keep telling yourself those positive things, and everything will just naturally start to come to you. It doesn't matter if you are not used to it at first, anything done consecutively for 28 days automatically becomes a habit.

Another thing that you can do to help develop more mind power is through brainwave entertainment. What this is, is synchronizing your brainwaves through audio technology. The brain naturally can do several things. One of those things is the ability to heal itself. Through brainwave entertainment you can enhance this ability. Other things that happen is enhanced memory and strengthening of natural psychic powers. This is rather advanced, but it really does work.

Hypnosis is a powerful tool to help increase you're the power of your mind. It works through relaxation and getting into the subconscious mind. Smoking cessation is a good example of how hypnosis works. During a hypnosis session, the smoker is told they do not want to smoke and they do not need to smoke and that they want to quit. This process simply takes someone who doesn't believe in themselves to the point where they do believe that they can overcome the addiction.

Everyone has mind power, even you. It is just a matter of believing in it and your mind's ability. It is probably not going to happen overnight, but you can use it overtime to change your life and bring positivity and good luck into your life. It is simply about communicating to the universe what you want and pulling it to you. It all starts with the subconscious mind and knowing that your mind is very powerful.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Use The Power Of The Mind To Reach Everything You Desire

There are things in life which we cannot easily attain. Take for example the job you’ve wanted to have or the car that you wish to buy but just don’t have the cash to spare. Instead of waiting for the time wherein the angels will finally bestow their graces on you, why don’t you start acting up the right way for you to begin attaining the things that you would like to get? Keep in mind that everything is achievable with the power of the mind.

It is possible for you to use your mind only if you are free from all pressure and deadlines. Even if ideas may come knocking on your door during the most unfortunate time of the day, if you just make it a point to stay alert during these occasions then you will have all the data and information you need to attain success in life.

Just allow the power of the mind to work on you. Even if you might be tempted to think about those factors which can limit your success but when you allow the mind to work on it own, you will have to expect about the beautiful results that it may give you. In fact, just give your mind its own task and you will see how it can work on you while your body is left to do other things.

This is how amazing the mind is; no doubt it is placed at the uppermost part of the body.

When you think of only those things that are positive, you will see that they can actually work well in producing positive results. So once you bombarded yourself with negative thoughts and emotions then this will lower your self esteem hence you will have to suffer the risk of getting everything which is off-putting later on.

So you can correctly utilize the power of the mind, take the time to consider the tips below:

* Stay in a quiet place. Try to relax yourself in your favorite chair or you can lie down if you wish to.

* Go for a comfortable and loosen clothing because this will allow you to think properly

* Uncross both your arms and legs so you can feel more relax.

* Get centered through the means of focusing on the breathing because this will work to activate the vagus nerve that is considered as the major quieting nerve within the whole body.

* Now, be sure that you wholly relaxes your body and mind.

As you can see, you should be at your relaxed state to rightly use the power of the mind. At first you will see the activity as something difficult but with patience you will be able to do with properly in no time.

The power of the mind is so great that it can transport you to places and allow you to be the person that you would wish to become. Many people were able to prove how the mind works and so it is the right time for you to do the same.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Mind Power- How Powerful is the Human Brain?

Are you someone who strongly believes in mind power? Because I do and I believe that with proper usage of mind power we can be successful.

There are too many people nowadays that do not trust what their minds can do to help them become successful. They don’t even think that because they don’t use mind power, this is the reason behind their unhappiness and discontentment in life.

It would be useless if you argue with this people who complain about many things in their life, talking with their consecutive failures and so many misfortunes. It seems that it is the end of the world for them and they will never be successful like other entrepreneurs or business men/women.

The reason behind these failures and misfortunes is actually improper use of mind power where they take for granted their capabilities to let their mind work for them. It would be nice to be humble but it is not wrong to dream big for yourself, loved ones and family. Why settle for less when you can do something to be successful and become an achiever?

To start with, let us know and understand what mind power is. This is actually the ability of the person to use their minds to be successful. It is their inner power that they use to be reaching their desires in life. They have properly set and motivated themselves to do something for their success and never stop until they accomplish it.

After knowing what you want, focus on that dream and concentrate. Know the needs of that dream and work on that. Do not give up or lose hope if during your first tries there will be imperfections.

Another must know for mind power is to stay focus on your goal. You have to follow a direction and it must be pointing towards your goal. Avoid any circumstances that can affect your motivation. You should know how to control things and must have enough power prevent any conflicts and temptations. One way of being successful is to keep your mind working all the time. Do not think that everything is easy, they may be simple but things will start complicated if you do not know how to manage it. Without proper management, you will lose and you can never be successful. Remember that great things start from small beginnings so learn to start from the very simple thing.

Successful entrepreneurs started from scratch, started from nothing but because they use their mind power, look where they are now. Use them as your inspiration and a guide that will lead you to your dream. Believe in yourself that you will be successful like them and be patient enough to wait for your time. Each of us has mind power and all we need is just to have positive attitude. Attitude is defined as the person’s feelings and moods towards things situations and circumstances. If you imply positive attitude, no doubt, you will see yourself shining, happy and contented.

Don’t think of negative energies and don’t lose hope that easily because success comes with eagerness and pursuance. Don’t allow anything to crash all your dreams away.

If you think that there are certain formulas behind mind power then you are wrong. There are no such things like that because the only key to success is to let them work with you while you are struggling to achieve your dreams. Let them work, don’t take them for granted, they come naturally in the time we least expect it.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Harnessing the Power of the Subconscious Mind

Your subconscious mind is easily the most powerful force on the planet and it shouldn’t be underestimated. Everything you do or say or think begins in your mind. When you can tap the power of the subconscious, that power can be manifested to your conscious mind.

Have you ever done anything throughout your day on complete auto-pilot? Simple tasks that you just get done without thinking about why you’re doing them are those controlled by your subconscious need to do them.

Now, how does such an action occur? Perhaps a commercial for a product you disliked appeared on the screen and this subconsciously triggered the reaction to change the channel. Yes, the subconscious mind can have an enormous impact on how we act. That is why it is so important to train yourself to utilize the power of your subconscious mind. Such training can lead to an overall improvement in the quality of our lives we never thought possible.

Through the proper harnessing of the power of the subconscious mind, an individual can truly live out his or her true potential. Far too often we are told about the ‘evils and dangers’ that lurk in the subconscious. While there is certain value in understanding the dark side of human psychology, only looking at the negative comes with many unfortunate consequences.

So we need to communicate with our subconscious mind to improve our lives. Many people feel that this is too complicated a task to undergo, but really it is simplicity itself by following a few simple steps. Just accept that Self improvement has to start with ‘thinking’ about it first.

The easiest way to get your subconscious working to bring about positive changes in your life is using affirmations. Affirmations are a direct reminder of positive aspects of life, repeated to help you achieve a desired result.

For example, if someone needed to complete a daunting task they were not truly inclined to become involved with, they might feel a deep tired feeling come over them. This is simple a stress response to the scenario that saps a person of the vital energy needed to complete the task. That is to say, it is a mental response to what would appear to be a boorish task. Through affirmation, however, one can completely overcome this state of mind and approach the task in a much better manner.

One way this can be achieved is through constantly reminding oneself about how many benefits can be derived from performing the task. You could also look in the mirror and affirm that you are the absolute best person for the job. In fact, you are so good at the job the end result will be a complete work of art!

Affirmations are also used to change bad habits such as overeating or smoking. These affirmations tap directly into your subconscious mind and reprogram that auto-pilot response to more positive behaviors.

Hypnosis is another way to tap directly into the subconscious mind. You can do this using a qualified hypnotherapist or you can use self-hypnosis by listening to specific audio recordings. This can help you to change habits, like stopping smoking or over-eating. You can also change your entire attitude toward certain activities or actions to become more positive if you wish.

You might also want to try brainwave synchronization or binaural beats. These are specially created sound frequencies you play through a set of headphones. The frequencies change so you hear different things in each ear. This can synchronize the separate sides of your brain which can allow you to descend into a deep meditation easily. You’re able to access your subconscious more easily in this state.

Understanding how you can create the life you dreamed of or the relationship you desire or even that ideal job you always wanted has been made a little easier through films and books like The Secret’. Often called the Law of Attraction, this theory shows how learning to control the power within your own mind can manifest those things you want most.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley